CRM that boosts marketing impact with a new approach to the 5 stages of marketing
at Pharma and Life Sciences industry.
- Collaborate with your field force to identify health-care professionals to focus your marketing activities on
- System will provide you with all insights and results of previous marketing cycle to target the right customers
- Set proper visit frequency for each target customer
- Re-structure your field force with total ease
- Set proper visit frequency for each target customerMaintain history of each single change
- Collaborate with your field force on planning their visits, activities and even leaves while meeting your set goals and targets
- Provide your field force with all tools to properly execute the set plans and targets
- Mobile application to run visits, detail products, run presentations, record comments and objectives, handover give-away material, run surveys and invite to events
- Communicate with your field force while in the field and send them any updates in marketing material
- Have minute-by-minute visibility over your field force and their visits and activities to the deepest detail
- Enjoy a wealth of dashboards that you easily construct as per your changing needs
- Communicate on-the-spot corrective actions with your team
5-ROI Calculation
- Direct and indirect marketing costs are presented to you per customer, per employee and per product
- Sales figures are brought to you per sales outlet. per area, per employee and per product
- See Impact of marketing activities per customer on sales figures in his area and close-by sales outlets
- Use those results to begin another marketing cycle starting with Targeting
One database for all types of customers
- Define doctors, their contact details, their technical profile such as classification, degree, specialty, … and their academic information
- Define clinics of doctors, their contact details, their technical profile such as practice size and number of patients, … working hours, and contact persons details
- Associate clinic to geographical area and record/view its physical location on Google map
- Define organizations such as hospitals, medical centers, pharmacies, distributors and contract companies together with their contact details, their technical profile, their departments including their contact details, their technical profile and working hours
- Associate doctors to organizations and their roles
- Associate organization to geographical area and record/view its physical location on Google map
Manage calendar and plan calls while fulfilling your targets
Detailing and Closed Loop Marketing
- Detail products as per defined detailing sequence
- Run interactive highly illustrative presentations
- Run static non-interactive presentations of well-known formats such as pdf, Powerpoint, Video, Images
- Enter doctor feedback and prescription level per product
- Record start and end time of detailing of each product and each presentation and each slide
- Collect feedback of customer per slide while presenting the slide
- Enhance presentation based on customer feedback
Full control over samples and promotional material
Track movement of product samples and marketing material as they are:
- handed to reps
- given away to customers
- returned back from reps or customers
- Take customer electronic signature to acknowledge receipt
- View balance of samples and promotional material with the rep at any point of time
Manage complex definitions of your reps assignments with ease
- Define teams
- Associate reps to team.
- Relate team to products
- Define team product detailing sequence per specialty
- Ability to classify customers per product
- Assign call frequency to each customer class and override it per customer
- Implicit and Explicit assignment of reps to customer
Wealth of dashboards and reports

- Monitor field force activities and compare to set targets
- Manage detailing material effectiveness
- Analyze surveys results
- Study efficiency of preparations for events
- Assess costs
- Study all metrics from several dimensions such as customer categorizations, products categorizations, teams, field force, time,
- Dice and Slice sales metrics at all dimension levels
- Analyze trends of all metrics